Our body accumulates toxines every day. Our diet contains too much meat, fat, sugar, alcohol and in combination with smoking, stress and insufficient exercise aggrevates the accumulation of these toxins. So a gradual build-up of toxins occurs in our cells, bloodstream and organs. In a healthy body these toxins are cleansed in a natural manner by the liver and kidneys. Even so, not all toxins are expelled from the body.
All sorts of health complaints can occur such as fatigue, listlessness, sore muscles, issues with the skin, allergic reactions, constipation, diarrhea and problems with concentration.
Detox is the answer!
Everybody should clean his/her body twice a year. You can follow the treatment for prevention purposes or if you have any of the complaints mentioned above.
People with chronic diseases such as diabetes, gout, thyroid disorders are encouraged to first discuss the detox treatment with our dietician Liesbeth van Dijk.